
Blood is tasty...

Erm... Do I need to say more? 

*genuinely confused*


CRD said...


shash said...

hey! met with an accident kya?

Kriti said...


Wat "??"???

@ Shash...

technically, no.
literally, maybe.
metaphorically, yes...

Abhijeet !! who else ? said...

Blood is Tasty when you taste your own.
Anyway its Good news for me...
I cant wait to get my canine Teeths on your Neck.

Kriti said...

@ Abhijeet


Trying to be Edward Cullen now.. are you??

Anonymous said...

its a wel known thing dat blood is tasty.
its sweet n salty taste can lure anyone :P

shash said...

ooh..vengeance in the air?? well to think of it, am genuinely confused too!

Kriti said...

@ Shash...

nothin to be confused of.. I tasted my blood.. that's it!

shash said...

hehehe.. now i shud can my previous comment!
Hope ur okay thou..

Kriti said...

@ Shash

Thanks for the concern.. I am not ok

Sachin Garg said...

cut your lip and blood flew to your mouth?

Kriti said...

@ Sachin

Why would I do that? I love my lips! I may be insane.. but not THAT insane!!!!

shash said...

Oh hey, wat happened exactly??

Kriti said...

@ Shash

Well, If I could mention it here... I would have done so... But sadly, I can't.

shash said...

ahm.. ya.. obviously! my email address s right there! well jus kiddin.. u take care.. n wateva it is, get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Blood tasty I don't think so.

Kriti said...

@ Anony...

Try it, you'll know.

Prakhar said...

y??????????...what happend??

New year resolution ..not to blog??

neways.. Wishing you an awesome year ahead! :)

Rahul said...

Did you harm yourself outta frustration?? The desperate way of resolving the thirst of your heart...

Kriti said...

@ Rahul

Frustration... no.

Anger... YES!


Rahul said...

seems like I interpreted you closest :)
hell, you can mail me ..

Kriti said...

@ Rahul.

Sure! are you some anger management guru?


Rahul said...

just wanted to offer a hand :)

Kriti said...

@ Rahul

Ah! Nothing better than another hand to cut and taste blood from..


zo said...

Hi creation....pretty neat post..huh?:)
do put a Tell-a-Friend widget on ur blog

Anonymous said...

" Blood is tasty...

Erm... Do I need to say more? "

yeah u need to say more....

neways..very recently i gave cuts to my hand but unfortunately i didnt taste blood...was it my badluck??

Raunaq said...

very recently i gave cuts to my hand but unfortunately i didnt taste blood...was it my badluck??

Rahul said...

estly plz tell me Kriti, r u a vampire ? ;D

Rahul said...

honestly plz tell me Kriti, r u a vampire ? ;D

Kriti said...

@ Raunaq and Ritesh...

Well! You are most certainly the same person... then why these 2 identities?

Kriti said...

@ Rahul..

Certainly not.
Although, I now wish I were.

Sukanya said...

did i read it correctly???!!!
did u get bitten by someone... say a vampire??
it tastes like rusting iron..

Kriti said...

@ ssnab..

Yup.. u r not mistaken.

and i wud say it tastes more like current than rusting iron..

Rahul said...

Well, in that case, I would love to taste your blood :)
Will you share with me? We can have a candlelit dinner with it..

Aniket Thakkar said...

Well I just stumbled onto your blog... while looking for some foresnsic stuff... And found one of the shortest yet best posts ever! :-D Blood sure is tasty... Couldn't agree more... Especially warm blood! When you cut yourself while playing or running and taste the warm blood.... Aah, the ecstacy! :-D :-D

Anonymous said...

Hey! Are you the same young girl I met on the Rashtrapati Bhawan visit with AP?

Kriti said...

@ Miss Taneja

You met other girls as well and not just me. So, I don't know who you think I am and hence can't give an affirmative answer to your rhetoric.

Anyways, this is Kriti Sharma.

Kriti said...

@ Rahul

It is but my blood, sir and not wine to enjoy dinner with. Pardon me if I deny thy request.

Kriti said...

@ Mr. Thakkar.

I couldn't agree more!

Unknown said...
