
Captive freedom

Remember the day
we kissed
and you lay bare
you heart?
I could see
right through it.
That little,
malicious thing,
Satan in disguise!
Oh! How it disgusted me...
To think
that I loved one
who knew not what love is!
I made another mistake,
I thought
I could teach you;
I assumed
you were willing to learn;
Little did I realise
that you didn't want
the soul
I was willing to part with
for you.
What you required
was the flesh and bone
that were of no consequence.
I gave it away...
My entire being
was at your disposal!
You were ecstatic,
over the moon.
Thought you had bought me
with all your gifts
and the (false) affection
you showered upon me.
Little did you realise
that the smile on my face
was cynical,
not supportive.
Little did you know
that you had not
secured  me for yourself,
but set me free
to discover the joys
of my new-found freedom!


AP said...

Very random indeed.

Prianca said...

Wow kriti
such a wonderful poem....
inpsired or fictitious???
awesome stuff, this is

Kriti said...

@ AP
So it is, Mr. Pradhan! Very random indeed!

@ Prianca

Lets just call it 'inspired fiction'..


Anonymous said...

this is why I visit this blog everyday even when the author claims that she has given up blogging.
beautiful and heart-rending at the same time.....loved the way you have kept the lines very short yet very evocative. And as always, an amazing ending.

Abhijeet !! who else ? said...

Corrections made,
And a New Year resolution broken by new postings,
Reminds me that promises with others and ourself r only mend to be broken.
What remains is captive thoughts in a captive Heart

Kriti said...

@ Ashish

*grinning from ear to ear*

@ Abhijeet

I hope you've got the bigger picture behind this poem. You know why it's here.. right?

Prakhar said...

Brilliant!...Relationships are indeed complicated and at times unnecessary!

Jhaya said...

one can actually sense the malice of the other person however hard it may seem... nice work, cheers!

Crush Killer said...

simply great !

Razzer said...

My my..that was a mean ripping apart of the dude in question.
Nice going.
Btw..dont read my new post.Its for GUYS ONLY.
Anand. :-)

Kriti said...

@ Prakhar

True, indeed!

@ Sowmya

Yes. It is not difficult to decipher the motive.

@ Crush Killer

Thank you

@ Anand

That dude deserved every bit of what he got. :P

and well... as you say sir!
Won't read your latest post... don't worry. :)

@ all

Thank you.
Keep visiting.
Cheers! :)

Unknown said...

Place a mirror in front of a mirror...

Kanoo Sahajwala said...

very well written Kriti...:)

herez 1 dat i wrote some time back...

ShantanuDas said...

I hv always wondered after reading pooetry..-- "is the poem written by the blogger or picked up frm somwehere?"

This is soo good.. and even if you hv picked up no matter.. bcs it tells ur mental condition.. so u must hv picked up. and if you have written it.. then I can only become nmub..

But what I want to say is that you are Deep!!

Anonymous said...

Well I acquiesce in but I contemplate the post should acquire more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

Yes, probably so it is