

The tears like pearls,
Fell from her amber eyes,
Her heart a million pieces,
Her wishes trodden
Her dreams shattered,
A dark future lay ahead.
She gazes at her own reflection,
Disheartened, yet sanguine,
A withering flower.
The howling wolves*,
And barking dogs,
Shatter the dense silence.
But, she’s away, far off,
In a land not yet conquered,
She wanders in deserts,
A lone soul, wondering
The depths of wonder itself,
From deserts to savannas,
Dusk to dawn,
Not crying anymore,
But searching the terrains.
For yes! She’s dreaming!
She dared to dream again!

*Copyright- Ampla Naidoo


rhealitycheck said...

why do i get a feeling that this is about me.....or maybe the Lady of Shallot..lol!

Kriti said...

@ Riley

Actually.. its kinda about the you-know-what aspect of our lives...

Unknown said...

is it some what related to our lives...as in it might hav hapnd vid us.
super emotional....

Kriti said...

@ Anu

You can say that.

Anonymous said...

its beautiful

Anonymous said...

it beautiful

Kriti said...

@ Annymous

Thank you!
I would appreciate if you mention your name...

Prakhar said...

Inspirational ..needed one like this..

totally luved it! :)

Happy Deepawali!

Kriti said...

@ Prakhar


A very happy Diwali to you too!